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How to Optimise Your Morning Routine

We often hear about the importance of a healthy morning routine- but many of us are guilty of either laying around for far too long, or rushing around the house and dashing out to wherever we’re going…

However, making the time to set up a morning routine can set you up really positively for the rest of the day. Simplicity is key when it comes to this- a good routine doesn’t need to be long or complex. In fact, we’re much more likely to stick to a few simple habits each day.

See below our top tips for establishing a healthy– and most importantly- realistic, morning routine.

Our top tips

  • Drink a big glass of water when you wake up

This is so easy to do, and best of all it instantly perks you up if you’re a little groggy first thing!

  • Make your bed

This small task has a huge impact- making you feel instantly accomplished and productive in your day. The science suggests it puts your brain into a positive and productive state.

  • Eat a healthy breakfast

They say it’s the most important meal of the day- and with good reason! Having breakfast is shown to make you more alert, control your blood sugar, and improve focus. It even makes you happier, boosting serotonin levels which regulate mood, appetite, and sleep. Yum!

  • Write a to-do list

Lists can be great, again it’s all about realism. Set yourself a few manageable tasks you’re confident you can achieve that day- and you’ll reap the satisfaction later of ticking them off. If you’re not in work, it’s easy to flatline when you spend a lot of time in the house. Writing a list- even if it’s just to have a shower, tidy the kitchen, and call a relative, can lift your mood in the morning and beyond.

  • Take 10 minutes to do something you love

Just a short amount of ‘me time’ can make you feel happier in the morning- that could be spent reading, watching TV, listening to music, browsing a magazine, brewing a cup of coffee, stroking your pet, stretching, pampering, doing a puzzle… a little activity you know perks you up.

  • Avoid your phone

Having no screen time in the morning is much better for your mental health than waking up and instantly replying to messages or checking your social media. So try avoiding your phone and just focusing on yourself in the morning. The outside world can wait, and you’ll start the day feeling much better!

  • Repeat

Now it’s time to repeat your morning routine. Keep going, and soon these healthy activities will just become habit. Try at least some, and you’ll soon see the benefits of starting your day with a smile- rather than a yawn!

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